All Are Partners in Ushering in Second Bill of Rights
June 6, 2024
Highlights of the New 2018 Tax Code and How it Helps US Businesses
June 7, 2024
All Are Partners in Ushering in Second Bill of Rights
June 6, 2024
Highlights of the New 2018 Tax Code and How it Helps US Businesses
June 7, 2024

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A Brighter Future
Original posting date: Oct 24 2018


If the goal of business is to leverage your position today into a better position tomorrow, then Robert Hymers future looks very bright. He has consistently added value for his clients and leveraged their positions today into better positions tomorrow. Hymers attended CSUN and earned dual Bachelor’s degrees in Business Administration and Accountancy, as well as a Master’s of Science in Taxation. He also served as the founding Managing Editor of CSUN’s Tax Development Journal. He joined Ernst & Young and worked in the firms tax and audit practices.   Hymers’ specialties include partnership and corporate taxation, tax provision audits, M&A tax advisory services, REIT compliance, preparation of 1120, 1065, and 1120S returns, multi-state tax compliance and international tax consulting.


In my own experience, accountants were always integral partners in our family business. They provided sage advice and resources to outwork our strategies. When we outgrew our banking relationship, they were there to make an introduction to a banker that understood our business and supported our growth to the next level. When it came time to sell the business, they provided the optimum structure to minimize our taxable income.

Hymers’ core business, Pinnacle Tax Services, provides accounting, tax preparation/planning, and long-term strategic planning. His team delivers results for their clients, many that have been with the Firm since its inception. When opportunities to add value appear, Hymers and his team are very proactive in helping their clients achieve exceptional results.


There is no such thing as being a little aggressive, you either are or you aren’t. Hymers is confident that understanding our economy, taxation, accounting, financing, strategic planning and turning a profit can lead him to an ever larger book of business.


“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends upon the unreasonable man.” – George Bernard Shaw
“The proof is in the pudding,” my former accountant used to say. Hymers has parlayed his creation of Pinnacle Tax Service into positions on many boards and ownership of several companies, many of which he remains active in today. That sort of longevity is only achieved yielding results from proven strategies and sound business advice.


Hymers now sits in the midst of various companies that he consults on, owns equity in, or is active as a board member or officer that have market capitalization of over two billion dollars. The diversity of this portfolio of business includes various market segments that are on the cutting edge of where our economy is headed. He gets to see industries from the inside and his wealth of knowledge helps him always add value. His range of experience includes start-ups, mergers, acquisitions, taking companies public, structuring debt, capital formation, or structuring exit strategies. He avoids labels or being put into a box as that would limit is own personal growth.


He is open to entrepreneurs contacting him at all stages of their development because no matter where they are on their path, Robert Hymers can add value to their business model as he refines their own vision that will be tempered by wisdom he has acquired academically or during his tenure in the business world.


So if you have a crazy idea for the next Twitter, Facebook, health product, or industry disrupting technology, Robert Hymers might be your best first stop to leverage your unique reality today into a more focused and prosperous tomorrow.


One industry he loves is entertainment and he has a wealth of experience in tax credits, marketing, financing, structuring, distributing, and producing films. Pinnacle Tax Services and Sinai Film Consulting are both of his companies that specialize in providing tax and accounting services for films. He has recently produced several successful films that have won awards at both the Toronto Film Festival and the Sundance Film Festival in 2018.


Hymers also works on civic minded projects that give back to his community. He fosters an environment in all his work that attracts talented people that also like to support charities through donations and volunteering. “My generation is going to get things refocused on leaving the world a better place. We are more civically minded, focused on wellness, and environmentally aware.”
So whether you are interested in starting a new business or growing your current business to a new level including going public or developing strategic partners, Robert Hymers is one serious plank to crafting your management platform.

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